Saturday, June 6, 2009


Wow. Today another day of OVCC training - a long day of meetings. We discussed many challenges that the OVCCs face as they enter into the villages to visit the kids. We brainstormed, listened, and participated, and our input was accepted well.

It really was a blessing. I don’t have tons to say, but I really feel as if we are truly a part of this ministry (which we are, haha). Our ministry the last few days has been to encourage the work that these volunteers do, which has been very wonderful for us.

Not much time and not a whole lot more to say. Hope tomorrow to write more. Please be in prayer for what the Lord’s will for me is in Zambia (while I am here now, and in the future).
Thanks for the continued prayers and know that I am very blessed to be able to share with you what the Lord is doing in Zambia. This place is so blessed!!!!

In Him,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

we miss you sophie!
we love you sophie!
doug, nicole, zoe, hattie, eli & phoebe