Thursday, July 23, 2009


i'm home.
i'll write in a few days.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

not ready.

nothing to write-
other than i'm not ready to leave.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

my piece...

Despite the many things on my mind that I would like to share, the Lord has particularly laid on my heart to post something that I wrote in my journal a while back. In all honesty, I am not sure why, and acutally, I wrote this piece with the intentions of not sharing it. Although this is not necessarily what I want to write, I cannot ignore the presence of His quiet whisper. I hope that this writing, entitled, "my piece" serves as a blessing to you.

"my piece"

i arise with a timid spirit.
the sun awakens and i begin longing- longing for home.
i aimlessly wander, clinging to Him- my creator.
i step with strides of fear, eyes scanning the empty horizon.
the depths of my soul, hungry; the weight on my heart, heavy.
i crave words, pinpointing each breath.
i have nothing.

a tiny figure becomes visible.
despite storms of dust and plagues of distraction-
my eyese fix on one thing; a child.
no longer do i long for home- for home is just ahead.

physically, i hold back, allowing the shadowed figure to draw near.
yet my spirit, alive and restless-
i yearn for the gaze of this precious child to reach my own.
finally, eyes meet and i am found- lost in Christ himself.

her tiny frame stands still- fearfully trapped.
i bend down and extend my hand.
as i reach out, this small child begins forward
her every step reflecting the faith to move mountains.

soon she rests in the warmth of my arms.
my spirit, complete- here i am home.
no longer do i aimlessly wander, no longer my soul starved.

as i gaze upon her precious beauty, i am aware of one thing-
Christ's love alone.
the curves of her face, the grip of her hand leave three words on my lips:

"thank you, daddy"

this is where i am. this place, home. every day- one small child.
beginning as a tiny figure, distant and cold-
ending as a precious daughter, near and warm.

this tiny frame is Jesus himself-
who am I to touch him every day?

Monday, July 6, 2009

July 6

I feel bad for not writing recently, however, in all honesty we have not been up to much. We were supposed to be off to Livingstone for a week to have a few days of vacation and then 5 days of visiting children, however, the day before we were supposed to leave we had some unexpected complications.

When our visas were issued, they were marked Business which are 30 day visas, unrenewable. So, when we went to the Immigration office to have them renewed, obviously that wasn't going to happen.

So, after many trips back and forth to the Immigration office, Airport, etc., we still do not have our visas. Because of this, we cannot travel, and have had some down time (to say the least). Despite being a bit upset that we cannot go to Livingstone, I have come to see that for me, God had very different plans.

For now, I rejoice in this time (illegal as it may be) and cling to the hope that this is exactly what the Lord had in store.

Friday, July 3, 2009

secu yamene una badwa

Two decades.
I look back and wonder-
How am I here, how has this come to be?
I think back on all He’s done-
Captivated now, by His will for me-

I am humbled by His presence-
Constant and pure.
His word, constantly teaching
His hands, constantly reaching
What He’s done, just today, amazes me.

Twenty Years.
A long time, yet just a glimpse-
I wonder what He has planned for tomorrow-
Where will I be?
It’s in thinking about where I will be in another twenty years that leaves my spirit lingering-

I can only imagine.


There is nothing more beautiful than being here on my birthday.
What the Lord has done in me, just on this very day, is absolutely incredible- beyond measure.

It is amazing to think about the reality that before I was even knit together in my mother’s womb, God knew that I would be here, with these people, on this very day. He knew exactly what He would speak to me as my spirit rose to this new day- and exactly how he would reveal His love to me, today- His love consumes me.

His love.
His love.
His love.

I could say it over and over.

I am left encouraged by His Word:

“Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire.” (Hebrews 12:28-29)