Friday, July 3, 2009

secu yamene una badwa

Two decades.
I look back and wonder-
How am I here, how has this come to be?
I think back on all He’s done-
Captivated now, by His will for me-

I am humbled by His presence-
Constant and pure.
His word, constantly teaching
His hands, constantly reaching
What He’s done, just today, amazes me.

Twenty Years.
A long time, yet just a glimpse-
I wonder what He has planned for tomorrow-
Where will I be?
It’s in thinking about where I will be in another twenty years that leaves my spirit lingering-

I can only imagine.


There is nothing more beautiful than being here on my birthday.
What the Lord has done in me, just on this very day, is absolutely incredible- beyond measure.

It is amazing to think about the reality that before I was even knit together in my mother’s womb, God knew that I would be here, with these people, on this very day. He knew exactly what He would speak to me as my spirit rose to this new day- and exactly how he would reveal His love to me, today- His love consumes me.

His love.
His love.
His love.

I could say it over and over.

I am left encouraged by His Word:

“Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire.” (Hebrews 12:28-29)


Brittany said...

You are amazing. God is so good, and I just love you to pieces. When you come back we must hang out, and you must tell me everything!

Emily said...

happy birthday love, know that you are always in my thoughts and I can't wait to meet up once school starts! I feel we will have many stories to exchange. Also, just in reading your blog and thinking of you, I have noticed that Zambia and Uganda have many of the same words and I also have met a lot of people who worked at Camp Life the last two summers. Love you darling!