Saturday, May 23, 2009

Here comes goodbye, and here comes hello!

Hi All!

Sophie here, as I am rummaging around through my tornado of a room (and entire house as my family would probably argue) trying to finish packing and getting everything ready to leave. I have to admit, I feel a bit behind (just having finished my class and now having to pack/clean/organize/and say goodbye to friends and family) however, that is not to say that I am not excited!

I AM EXCITED! I cannot wait to feel that Zambian soil on my feet. I cannot wait to breathe in, and breathe out the freshness of the African air. I cannot wait to see again, a sunset, that is more beautiful there than anywhere else I have ever seen. I cannot wait to see the beauty in the smile of a child. Oh, I am eager for my return.

Well, considering the extreme length of my "to-do" list, I should probably get back to it. I want to thank you for being a part of this journey, and I am excited to be able to share with even more throughout my stay in Zambia.

With that, may the Lord continue to bless you, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

In Christ,

P.S. - I cannot make promises, but I am really going to try to at least write every few days or so. Actually, I would love to write more frequently even than that, however, depending on internet while I am there - that may not be a possibility.

P.S.S - I would LOVE to hear from you while I am gone. If you would like to send me emails (I cannot promise that I will return) or comment on my blog page, that would be quite lovely!

Okay...enough already :)

Bye Bye

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Soph! I hope you have a very safe trip over to Africa. We will be thinking of you often! How long are you going to be there?

Ryan turned 2 yesterday! He is talking like crazy and putting sentences together. He loves cottage cheese and diced tomatoes (my mom taught him that one) and of course he loves milk! He will eat anything actually. He was mad today while in his chair b/c I turned him towards me. He wanted to face the table like mommie and daddy do. My mom and dad just got him a little tykes hoop and t-ball stand for his bday.. he loves them and he loves pushing his bubble mower around out side. He also likes to help me in the garden now. He likes to help hold the hose and laughs when he puts his hand in the stream of water.

I will bookmark your blog and read it so keep posting.. We miss you alot!

Love, Anna :)